Monday 3 September 2012

Chaos Space Marines Army Painting Challenge - September Part One

I've decided to convert to Chaos, I had some miniatures laying around, and with Dark Vengeance being released it makes sense to paint something that would fit (and also it's been sitting in a box - unopened - since Christmas). Daemon Prince time - no more slacking for me!

Saturday 25 August 2012

Soul Drinkers Army Painting Challenge - August, Part Two

I finished up my second Librarian for the Army Painting Challenge, although I'm currently unsure of whether I'll be able to get the unit of scouts painted up.

And a group shot of my force, sans this Librarian:

Brettonia Lord/Paladin WIP

This is my first model in my Bretonnia army that I've started painting. I only have a box of Knights of the Realm at the moment, and I'm currently deciding whether or not I'm going to go for a Bretonnia army, or whether I'll just paint these up for display. The Ride is nearly complete, but I have started on the horse yet.

Tuesday 21 August 2012

Soul Drinkers Army Painting Challenge - August, Part One

I'll be working on getting a second Scout Squad done (so that I can hopefully get a Land Speeder Storm painted soon), and my second Librarian as well. I was going to use the Scouts in a Crimson Fist army but didn't really get far with them or the army, so they'll be re-primed and then painted up as Soul Drinkers.

Thursday 21 June 2012

Soul Drinkers Army Painting Challenge - June, Part One, V2

Changing my entry:

I started on one scout before taking the picture, but only did part of the carapace armour.

5 Scout Marines
Sergeant with Sniper Rifle
4 Scouts with Sniper Rifles

Monday 11 June 2012

Soul Drinkers Army Painting Challenge - June, Part One

So here's my entry for the army painting challenge. This is the second half of Tactical Squad Flamma, and will probably be given a Drop Pod (which I've already started on), and may be joined by a Librarian or my counts-as Tigurius.

My apologies for the poor picture, I had to settle for using my poor quality camera (it came free with a printer or something).